stay hard, stay hungry
Questions, Questions. Always With The Questions
(07.03.2004 - 8:28 p.m.)

Question 1 is highly inaccurate in it's answer now, as these questions were answered by me some months ago. However, it was good to look back on them just recently and still find amusement in what I had to say. Hence, I share them with you.

1. What time do you wake in the morning?
These days, pretty late. A lot of the time it is lunchtime before I've been anywhere near a bowl of breakfast cereal. But then, I did used to have a job that required me being up and at work by 7am, so I think I'm just making up for it now.

2. Describe your ideal dream date. What would you do and where would you go?
I don't need anything special, just the right company. As long as it wasn't a place that was full of people looking like they had just stepped out of a fashion catalogue, I would be fine.

3. Do you believe in love at first sight? Have you ever experienced it?
No and no.

4. Morning person or night owl?
I do have a habit of becoming nocturnal when I don't have much to get up during the day for. I don't know if it is a natural thing or not, but my whole body clock seems to shift into night-owl mode. I think I prefer it because there is a general lack of human activity. I think I'm probably a misanthrope.

5. Favourite TV show?
It's currently a toss-up between Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Six Feet Under. I think it's probably an afterlife thing.

6. If you could change careers and do whatever you wanted, regardless of pay, what would you do?
I think I'd quite like to have the gall, confidence and ability to be a giggolo. I would absolutely love to get paid to please the desires of mature ladies with money.

7. What would you hate to be left in the room with?
The short straw.

8. Name five things you can't live without.
Music, love, the concept of beauty, family and friends

9. What inspires you?
Gina Gershon in Showgirls.

10. What do people notice about you within the first hour of meeting you (apart from appearance)?
That I'm quiet. They also tend to think that I'm moody and don't like them, precisely because I am quiet. It isn't true.

11. Make your bed or leave it messy?
Make it. There is something fundamentally wrong about a wrinkled duvet.

12. Summer or winter?
I love both, for very specific reasons. Right now I think I'd probably prefer it if it was winter, as it's almost midnight and the temperature hasn't dropped below 17 celsius.

13. Favourite ice cream?

14. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn?
Mmmm. Buttery. All that warm, soft gooeyness.

15. Favourite colour?

16. Favourite car?
Dodge Viper.

17. Favourite food?
The edible kind. (Which, I incidentally wrote before reading someone elses answers to the same questions. Man, we have a lot in common! =])

18. What characteristics do you despise?
The explicit need for attention.

19. Favourite flower?
I ain't no gardener.

20. If you had 1 million bucks, how would you spend it?
I just promised it to someone's Amazon Wishlist.

21. If you had one wish, what would it be?
I'll keep that one to myself.

22. Do you snore?
Apparently, sometimes. Apparently, sometimes not.

23. Where would you retire to?
The seventh circle of hell.

24. Red or white wine?
White. Less headaches.

25. What did you do on your last birthday?
I did the meal with friends thing.

26. Do you carry a donor card?

27. Describe your ideal mate?
Female. With a pulse.

28. Who do you least expect to send this back?
Anyone that I didn't send it to or hasn't read it.

29. Who is the person you expect to send this back first?
Gina Gershon. Well, everyone has a fantasy, don't they?

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