stay hard, stay hungry
Short bouts of madness.
(2002-03-28 - 9:30 p.m.)

I mean, why does fate mock me so??? All I wanted to do this evening was connect with someone, find someone that wanted to talk with me or go out somewhere. All I wanted was to not sit in my house and stare at the walls...

I was so up for going out and doing something this evening, and absolutely no-one is about, or actually wants to do anything. Man I hate it when that happens.

And whats more, my friend and I were going on a bit of a road trip for a few days on Sunday, and they've chickened out of that, so I shall be going to our final destination by myself. Godammit.

I was... well, I don't really know what I was up for. I just wanted to do something our of the norm. I probably come across as so desperate...

You know that calustrophobic feeling? When all you want to do is get out of the situation that you find yourself in? Have you seen that Levi's ad where the boy and girl run through the walls of a building until they smash through the outer wall, and they run up the trees and out into space? I really feel like I want to do that right now...

What am I talking about? I'm not quite sure. I think I should go and get drunk or something. At least that would make me feel different. But that's pretty destructive behaviour that I know will, ultimately, do me no good and not change a thing. So I'll avoid that course of action.

I'm also fully aware that I am just blethering now, probably not making a whole lot of sense and just coming across as plain crazy.


Ordered a couple of new albums today - and there was me saying that I needed to spend less money on records!!! The first is Pete Yorn's "Musicforthemorningafter" which I have heard rave reviews about, plus I know this gal that likes him! (Hiya!) And the second is Shea Seger's "May Street Project" which I'm guessing, by the press that I've read, I will love to bits. I guess I'll have to wait until they arrive in the post to find out.

Have you ever bought a record purely on a whim, or just because you liked the cover, or for any other daft reason other than the fact that you have actually heard some of the music that is on the CD? I've discovered quite a few bands like that and I don't think I've ever wanted to return or get rid of any CD that I have bought on such a whim. I never would've discovered Skid Row, K's Choice, Imani Coppola or Rollins Band if it wasn't for this frivolous approach to music buying. Has anyone ever discovered their most favourite band in the whole world purely by accident?

9:52pm here in the UK, hope everyone has a glorious, peaceful night. Sleep well...

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