stay hard, stay hungry
(2002-06-05 - 5:39 p.m.)

It's been a cat sort of a day today; let me explain...

First of all, I drove the company van to our second office today, and when I opened the back, a cat jumped out. I have no idea how it got there, where it was from, or where it was heading to, but it jumped out nevertheless. I tried chasing it to see if I should take it back to where I had come from, but I lost it...

Once I was back at the main office, the secretary came running out to say that someone was in the office that had run a cat over in the street. The cat wasn't dead, but was obviously not going to survive. So I had to quickly end it for the poor beast...

Then, as I am driving home from work this evening, the car in front of me has a number plate that ends MOGGY...

Add all this to the fact that I saw a clip from Sabrina The Teenage Witch on TV, with her talking cat, and it's been a weird day altogether.

What is the significance of all these cats?

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