stay hard, stay hungry
Lawks A Mussy
(01.05.2003 - 2:51 p.m.)

So we're reverting to ageism now? Let's move on. :-)

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As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces contains some of all the other signs. This sign's mutable nature give it a chameleonlike ability to take on the qualities of other people.

One explanation is that Pisces does not act, it reacts. This sign tends to respond to others, rather than initiate activity.

I can go along with that. It's usually true to say that I can fit in well with others, adapting certain aspects of my character depending on who I am with. And yes, I am someone who tends to react to others around me, rather than pro-acting. In worst case scenarios, this manifests itself as laziness.

In the watery world of the Fish, there are no boundaries. The sign has a tolerance for ambiguities that drive other signs crazy. Nothing is clearly black and white or right and wrong to Pisces, because it believes that all things are relative. Truth is a grey area to the Fish.

Just from having conversations with some of you, I know there is some accuracy in that. You've told me how you like to fully understand things, needing answers, whereas I have always found the ambiguities satisfying in themselves. And as for truth being a grey area, this sometimes makes every decision seem like the right one, leading me to be completely indecisive on occasion.

Living in a world of emotions can be draining, and all Pisces need some time alone. In the back of it's mind, the Fish keeps a fantasy file that it can pull out at will to take a short mental vacation. It is common to see Pisces sitting silently, staring into space with a vague smile, happy in its own world.

*Sits silently, staring into space, vague smile upon face.*

Fish are often avid movie buffs, especially fond of fantasy films and emotionally charged drama. This creative water sign love pictures of all kinds, but it's greatest enthusiasm is for photography.

Anything that exercises its creativity pleases Pisces, but probably its favourite pastime of all is just lying on the sofa, daydreaming.

Again, sometimes being interpreted as laziness, I can relate to this, too. The way with we Pisces seems to be that outwardly there is little activity, but beneath the surface there is a churning hive, constantly at work.

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I was told yesterday that a piece of music that I liked, by Steve Vai, was bad because it sounded dated. Since when did sounding like it was from a particular period in time make a piece of music bad?

The Beatles never sound like they come from anywhere but the 60's and 70's, but not many people would accuse them of being bad.

And this comment from the same person who listens to late 80's and early 90's Kylie, which sounds so specifically from it's own historical period that it must be the worst music that has ever been made.

And they also suggested that mainstream music, specifically guitar based music, was more sophisticated these days, citing Blur as an example. Exsqueeze me? Baking powder? How so? There is more structural sophistication in a single 12 minute composition by Steve Vai than there is in Blur's entire back catalogue.

Must. Calm. Down. I'm getting needlessly hot under the collar about these subjects. But until someone offers me a reasonable critique, I'll probably remain all fired up.

oOo oOo oOo

"It would be a mistake for the United States Senate to allow any kind of human cloning to come out of that chamber."
George W. Bush gets it right for once, April 10th, 2002.

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