stay hard, stay hungry
Time To Repay My Debt
(05.07.2004 - 7:44 p.m.)

I think that part of the reason why I don't ask heaps of questions about people, is not because I am not interested in them, but because that isn't how I feel I get to know someone.

I'm sure, more often than not, people will consider me rude, or odd, or simply boring. At worst, uncaring. This probably has to do with the fact that, if I'm in a good mood, I'll utter a maximum of around 12 words per day.

But, you see, that's never been how I've come to know someone. Because somehow, although I may never have made it so explicit, or thought about it as much, knowing someone isn't about facts to me. It's not about what you did when you were three, or where you went over the weekend, or how the weather affected your life a week last Tuesday.

It's somehow less tangible, and yet more meaningful, than all those things, as important as they are.

Knowing someone is a feeling. An unspoken understanding. I believe a person can be known without revealing a single event that has transpired in their life. And often, that kind of knowing and understanding, bears the strongest and greatest friendships.

I should qualify the above by saying that I don't dismiss facts about people. They very often will help to explain why a person feels a particular way on any given day, or why they had a particular reaction to something or someone. And yes, sometimes those details can be revealing. But at the same time, let us not place too much emphasis on them. For they are rarely the essence of being.

oOo oOo oOo

Life has seemed gruelling just recently. I don't remember the last time I was home before about 7pm. And it seems that I hardly get a chance to spend five minutes thinking. Or reading. Or simply listening to a good CD.

All those things which help me to maintain that balance which has been so important.

And I miss many of you a great deal. And one or two a great deal more than that.

I won't ask you to promise, but I hope you'll stick around. Because somehow we're intertwined. It's quite a simple and pure understanding.

I know it.

I know you.

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