stay hard, stay hungry
Cats and Headlessness
(2002-04-07 - 5:10 p.m.)

What is it about me? I think that I must have some kind of chemical imbalance or something... Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, I felt great. Nothing could've spoiled my mood. Life was just fine...

But today I just feel like screaming until my head falls off... I wish it would. It would save me a lot of trouble.

Plus it would give me something to talk about at dinner parties... only I couldn't talk I guess, because my mouth wouldn't be connected to my body any more. But maybe I could remote-speak... like astral projection or something... but I guess all the guests would've left, me looking a little scary without my head and all, so I wouldn't have anyone to talk to anyway.

Isn't it always the way? No one is ever around when you want to talk to them.

I want to be a cat. They have such great lives. They sleep, get fed regularly, go out any time of day or night, people stroke them on a regular basis... what more could any one want?

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