stay hard, stay hungry
That'll be 3 groats please.
(2002-07-13 - 1:46 p.m.)

You remember I was wondering where dead birds went? Well, I was outside the mortuary the other day, and there was a Magpie lying curled up outside the door, not very alive. So, in fact, it would seem that birds go to exactly the same place as us when they die.

You ever just fancy taking a break? I don't just mean from your job. I mean from your whole life. Go somewhere where nobody knows you; not the slightest detail. Where nobody wants anything from you. Where the day-to-day has no meaning or hold over you whatsoever. I'd love to do that right now.

But it always comes down to the practicalities doesn't it. How the hell would I afford to do that? And even if I could get there, wherever it may be, what the hell would I use to live when I was there? I think we should ban money and return to a bartering system.

"I'll help you load your ship if you take me to America on it."

"I'll help you plough your field if you give me food and a bed for a few days."

Sounds good doesn't it? I know it's an unrealistic ideal, but wouldn't it be great if money had no power? If there was no such concept as the dollar, or the pound, or the yen or the franc or whichever bizarre currency your country uses. Does the "Groat" still exist anywhere?

My stomach rumbleth. Off to the kitchen I go.

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