stay hard, stay hungry
(2002-07-26 - 10:52 p.m.)

My Grandad's cancer has spread. A little while ago he was told that he had prostate cancer, but that it wasn't a vigorous tumour, and that he might live for years yet.

But further tests have shown that the cancer has spread to his liver and his bowel. Now the consultant is saying that he has "a few months" at most. It must be terrifying to have a limit put on the time that you have left.

He seems to be taking it remarkably well, but I guess he is 92, which is a pretty decent age to live to.

He's asked to see my brother and me this weekend, so we are going tomorrow. He can be moody, but I love the old guy.

* * * * *

I watched "Heavy" last night, a film by James Mangold about an overweight chef that falls in love with a beautiful waitress. It was the most incredible film I've seen in a very long time. I cried totally uncontrollably... I can't find the words to talk about it.

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