stay hard, stay hungry
It was a cold, dark night.
(2002-09-12 - 10:00 p.m.)

My mind seems to have been kind of empty of late. Which is odd, because lots of things have been happening. Maybe it's just that I'm tired. Trying to survive on four hours sleep a night probably hasn't helped. But I like the night. I like being awake when everyone else isn't. I like the peace and quiet. I like the fact that it somehow feels clandestine. It's like I'm in a 1940's film noir, but with less danger.

I wonder what my detective name would be? Did you ever find out your porn name? Take the name of your first pet, then add it to your mothers maiden name. Wanna' know mine? Humpty Millar. Sounds kind of pornographic doesn't it? I like it. I'm kind of proud of it. But it also sounds kind of like a PI too. Humpty Millar, private investigator. Damn, that would make a great TV show. And of course, it would have to star me. What with my film-star good looks and everything.

* * * * *

Cuurently spinning: "The Hour of the Bewilderbeast" by Badly Drawn Boy.

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