stay hard, stay hungry
All Change
(13.11.2002 - 6:32 p.m.)

Given the apparent desire that George W. Bush has to blow up Iraq, regardless of whether Sadam Hussein has aggreed or disagreed with his calls to let arms inspectors back into the country, I have a new theory as to the cause of the plane crashes last year.

Dubya has in fact built a weather control system, hereafter referred to as The Weather Dome, that can alter the weather in any given part of the world, at any given time, to the exact conditions that he would like to see.

Hence on a particular day last year, when the fact that Dubya didn't have a good enough reason to blow up Iraq became particuarly irksome for him, he altered the weather surrounding New York, causing a number of planes to go off course and loose control.

Hey presto! Blame an Iraqi dictator and anyone he might be in league with, no matter how flimsy the evidence, and go and blow them up!

Because I truly believe that George W. Bush is that evil. He has to be.

* * * * *

Last night was my work leaving party. It was a good evening on the whole, but a mixture of both pleasure and pain, in the form of unadulterated embarrassment.

This was largely because Louise, whom I have referred to before, spent the evening being leered at by Nick, who is loud, brash and not exactly subtle.

As the evening wore on, Nick became more and more drunk. Not a bad thing some of you might say, and I might agree with you, had Nick not become extraordinarily offensive with his drunkeness.

And other folk did nothing but spend the whole evening finding fault with their meals, or talking about work the whole time.

Some of those people I will miss very much, others not so.

* * * * *

And so much for my two week break between jobs. The manager of HMV called me today and said that they had suddenly had a member of staff leave, and out of the people he could've asked to help out, I was at the top of his list.

This was all very flattering, but it means that I will be starting work next week, instead of in two weeks time.

It's good in some ways, because it means that I won't have a break where there will be no income, but it also means that I won't have any relaxing time, and I won't be able to do some of the things I was going to.

Ach well. Life's too short.

* * * * *

And I think I know who I may marry.

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