stay hard, stay hungry
The Mighty Dollar (Or Pound)
(18.11.2002 - 3:57 p.m.)

So, with some trepidation, I approached the copy of Shania Twain's new album. Would it contain horrible european dance remixes of all the songs? Would I be cringing, listening to all those horrible sampled drums, wishing I hadn't forked out the �12.99?

As it turns out, I needn't have worried. For my wonga, I got two copies of the album. Yes, that's right! Two copies! Admittedly I will never listen to one of them, it being the crappy european dance remix version of the album, but at least I got the decent north american rock version of the album too!

Shania, what a considerate person you are!

And for those of you who feel that I am wasting valuable pixel space on your VDU by writing about Shania Twain, all praise to you! Congratulations on thinking differently to me.

I also purchased the new Audioslave album. And boy, is that a fine piece of aural pleasure. To start with I was thinking, "Hold on, this is just Rage Against The Machine with Chris Cornell on vocals." Which is the obvious thing to think, because it IS Rage Against The Machine with Chris Cornell on vocals. But musically, the album shows more of a range than Rage Against The Machine ever did.

Don't get me wrong, I love RATM to bits, but Audioslave aren't afraid to take a back step and slow things down, hush them up and, good god, play some serene music too. Perhaps they will never be the political tour de force that RATM were, but I'm enjoying their music muchly.

And Chris Cornell has never sounded better.

Also bought The Beastie Boys anthology, Sounds of Science, but I guess they need no explanations.

* * * * *

Also bought some reading material:

  • "Leviathan" by Paul Auster
  • "The Secret History" by Donna Tartt
  • "Minority Report" by Philip K. Dick

So those should keep me occupied for a while. Anyone read any of them? Let me know what you think please.

Much appreciated.

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