stay hard, stay hungry
(24.11.2002 - 3:33 p.m.)

*unlocks door, pushes gently. Realises he hasn't been through it in so long that it is very stiff.*

*Gives it a good kicking*

*SFX: Creeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaak*

*Slams door shut, throws bag on floor, sits in armchair, stares straight ahead, looking exhausted.*

I've fucked up good and proper. I'm not ashamed to admit it. After being at my job for five days, I quit.

That's right.

After my first day there I knew that it wasn't going to be all that I had hoped, or all I was told it would be. After my second day I was fantasising about winning a vast amount of money and not coming back. After my third day I was seriously considering the excuses I could come up with not to go to work. After my fourth day I was just down and depressed.

And then I quit.

So I've joined the ranks of the great unwashed, the *gasp* unemployed.


So, sorry I haven't been around for a few. I've been a little confused and disappointed that things haven't worked out the way I had hoped.

I thought I'd been grown up of late. But I just felt like a little kid for the past few days. I don't wan't to go back there. Oh no.

* * * * *

I watched the first Harry Potter film for the first time in a while last night. I was actually quite surprised at how well it stood up to repeat viewing. I found myself thoroughly enojoying it all over again.

Does anyone else think it's worthy of some psycho-sexual analysis, though? I mean, c'mon, there has to be something Freudian in the fact that Harry has to grip firmly onto his Nimbus 2000 in order to seek out the Golden Snitch.

I also watched Training Day for the first time, which I thought was absolutely superb until the last 20 minutes or so, when it chickened out of all the constructs it had so carefully pieced together and started some crass moralising.

If only the director hadn't chickened out.

* * * * *

*curls up on the armchair, grabs cushion and snuggles up into it, closes eyes and exits*

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