stay hard, stay hungry
(27.11.2002 - 11:22 a.m.)

I really don't want to live my life like others. I refuse to make the acquisition of wealth the main goal in my life. I want quality of life, yes. Of course I do. But to me, quality of life does not mean five bedrooms and a big tv.

I appreciate that this isn't a major revelation in itself, but people always look at me sideways when I say that I'd rather be less well off and genuinely happy, rather than stinking rich and feeling a little hollow.

And whilst it occurs to me that this may sound very clich�d, I mean it. A good friend of mine said to me the other day, that people become fascinated with me when they realise that I am totally sincere about the things that they consider quaint, and don't really believe.

I think that's a fine compliment.

Off to grab a shower.

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