stay hard, stay hungry
Aren't Lists Fun?
(28.11.2002 - 10:03 a.m.)

Okay Jess, this one's for you. I think I'll start where I left off yesterday:

  • I don't believe that the acquisition of material wealth should be the main goal in anyone's life. I certainly don't believe it will make you happy.
  • I believe that love is important above all. Far from being stupidly idealistic, John Lennon was actually right, you know.
  • I believe if you look after the interests of those you love, those that love you, and your own interests to the best of your ability, you will be fine.
  • I believe that art has the ability to change the world, your own perceptions, and perhaps even save your life. Don't believe me? Ask Bruce Springsteen about it.
  • I believe that, through your own beliefs and actions, it is possible to make a difference.
  • I believe that every human being, every living thing, is worthy of love.
  • I believe that there is beauty in sadness, because life, on the whole, is beautiful.
  • See above, and substitute the word "death."
  • I believe that there is something in this universe that is greater than ourselves.
  • I believe that being moderate is more useful than being extreme.

And I'm sure there are other things that I will think of to write, but those are just a few thoughts to start off with. I'll keep you updated as and when they come along; the thoughts that is.

Naive? Perhaps. Idealistic? Certainly. Possible? Absolutely.

And if this entry has made you cringe, vomit, or think that I am an idiot of the first class, then I apologise. But I won't change my mind.

* * * * *

There is something really quite therapeutic about cleaning. Take a bathroom for example. When the scale starts showing on the tiles, scrubbing them up to a glimmering sheen is really quite satisfying. I mean, I wouldn't want to do it every day of the week, but today feels like a good day for it.

So I'm off to find the Mr. Muscles bathroom cleaner.

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