stay hard, stay hungry
Dance, MoFo, Dance!
(29.12.2002 - 11:16 a.m.)

Does anyone else ever feel like they have a problem allowing themselves to relax; to just enjoy the situation they find themselves in?

I went to a party last night, hosted by some friends of my family. The only other people I knew there were the hosts and my family. And despite the fact that I spoke to quite a few very nice people, I just couldn't... I never felt entirely comfortable.

I think I may be a bit of a social retard.

There was a highpoint to the evening, though. There was a nifty game that you could play if you were drunk enough, that involved stamping on a mat full of pressure sensors to try and work the pinball machine on the screen infront of you.

I found that highly entertaining.

Off to get a shower. Despite my seasonal weight gain, I don't think I scrub up too badly, you know.

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