stay hard, stay hungry
For Dancing In The Street
(23.01.2003 - 3:58 p.m.)

Everything has been making me think about summer. The weather has been clear and fine all day, the sun trickling out over the world in fine streams. Stephen Stills' own brand of rock n' roll has been keeping me entertained, and we watched Easy Rider last night after I got home. I always associate Stephen Stills with summer, because I was bought his second record for my birthday in 2001, and it entertained me for a good part of the following vacation. And I have very fond memories of watching Easy Rider with my good friends at Uni; sat in James' room on a warm summer day, the curtain gently rippling with the shore breeze.

It's funny how we can remember the smallest details. And yet sometimes I wonder if we are actually remembering them, or whether we just think we are. But all I need now is an N64 with Goldeneye on the screen, The Doors playing on the stereo and a couple of Pop Tarts on a plate, and it would be summer of '99 all over again.

As bizarre as it sounds, I think the fact that I watched both American Pie movies a couple of days ago has something to do with this nostalgia. They may be full of crass humour, but somehow those films have a real heart, and I guess they made me think about my college days more than I had thought they would.

* * * * *

There's a lot to be concerned about in the world at the moment. But I can't help feeling that life is great, regardless. That's hard to see when times are tough and problems keep rearing up, but every so often I'm reminded of why it's good to be alive. And trust me, it is.

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I was reading an article yesterday that said most adults' greatest fear was that they wouldn't, or hadn't, achieved their potential. I know I'm still a young guy by all accounts, but I think I know how that feels. Having left college with no particular plan of action, I feel like whatever potential I had has been slipping away. Some days I feel like I'm destined for great things, other days I feel like I'm destined for the gutter. And sometimes I just sit and wonder why it matters where I'm headed.

Do you ever feel that? The your potential has been swiped out from under your nose whilst you weren't looking? Or is this just another case of me procrastinating instead of getting out there and getting on with it?

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