stay hard, stay hungry
Hey Hey, Kids!
(08.05.2003 - 10:27 a.m.)

You know how there is always a novelty death in horror films? E.g. Rose McGowan getting crushed by the garage door whilst being stuck in the attatched doggie-door in Scream? Well, I was trying to think up of a novelty death the other evening, and whilst I didn't come up with anything quite so leg-wavingly amusing, I came up with something that I think would be quite hideous:

Gelatine being injected into your bloodstream.

I mean, ewwww. You would slowly feel your blood start to coagulate as the flow began to slow, and then cease altogether. Your entire venous system would become one large blood clot.

That's gotta' be nasty, huh?

Your ideas for novelty deaths on the back of a postcard please.

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