stay hard, stay hungry
One Light Burning
(15.05.2003 - 12:16 a.m.)

I don't think that we laugh quite as much as we used to. There seems to have been an air of melancholy around you just of late, and I'm not quite sure whether it's real or imagined.

Is it natural to feel this kind of come down when you've been this close to someone for this long? Is there inevitable a period where things don't seem quite as new and exciting as they used to?

I hope that this is a natural progression and not a sign of something lurking around the corner; a dark shadow with yellow, menacing eyes.

I've never felt quite like this about anyone before. I hope that you can forgive me if you find me veering off the path from time to time, or becoming a little fearful as I fumble round in the dark.

Just keep your light on, and I'll find my way.

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