stay hard, stay hungry
If You Like A Lot Of Chocolate On Your Biscuit...
(19.05.2003 - 10:48 p.m.)

How does Evian make me feel? Like I need to go the bathroom, that's how!

And have you noticed what difference a 't' can make in a sentence? All you have to do is add a 't' to 'here', and all of a sudden you're over 'there'.

So I decided to do a "Seven Degrees of Diaryland" experiment. I clicked on a name in my profile and went to their profile. Then I clicked on a name in their profile and went on to the next profile. And I kept on clicking on profiles until I found a way back to mine.

It only took thriteen clicks. I'm quite impressed.

oOo oOo oOo

The house is going to become a chocolate-free enivronment. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to live with that, but I've decided that my wanton snackage absolutely has to stop.

When the current glut of Hob-Nobs, Kit-Kats and chocolate-fudge caramel has been ingested, that's it. The cupboards will no longer contain any chocolate-flavoured milk-fat products. I will buy no more.

If you see me out and about, please don't tempt me. For I am sweet of tooth, smeared of mouth and weak of will.

Oh, fuck it. Just cover me in it.

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