stay hard, stay hungry
Does Anybody Even Notice?
(02.06.2003 - 5:47 p.m.)

My hand is aching and the tips of my fingers are all but bleeding. I am, for the most part, typing this entry with one hand. Because, for the first time in years, I have picked up my guitar and have started to play again.

I've only been getting to grips with very basic things until I get back into the swing of it, but I'd forgotten quite how much fun it can be, and how rewarding when you get something right.

I'd also forgotten that Cat Stevens only used to write songs that required you to play chords that are impossible for any normal human being to pull off. Did the guy have a sixth finger or something? Maybe he was called Cat Stevens because his cat used to help him out in the studio, pushing down the strings that his mortal fingers could not reach.

And my nose is a sore as Rudolph's looks. I was building a garden shed over the weekend, and the person helping me heplfully dropped a hammer on my face. This was after they had thumped me with a broom handle and trodden on my foot.

I think perhaps they were trying to tell me something.

oOo oOo oOo

Do any of you guys look at the links in people's diaries? I know that the entry content is what the diary is there for essentially, but do you take a few moments to have a look at the clickable stuff too?

I ask because I know that I have a couple of readers out there, but I rarely get any traffic through the clickable links that I've put in place.

I appreciate that this may be because the ideas that I have come up with for some kind of interactivity with this diary are awful, but I just wondered what sort of experiences other people have had when trying the same thing.

In short, in your opinion, are they a waste of time? Comments via the "contact" links would be much appreciated, as I'd quite like the "Mugshots" and "Link-O-Rama" links below to be on-going.

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