stay hard, stay hungry
Some Call It Nice
(14.07.2003 - 11:50 a.m.)

I find it ever so slightly annoying that Ed hasn't been given a decent time slot on television here. It's quirky, funny, well acted and vaguely original. It could reach a much wider audience if the programmers would just take a risk and put it on prime-time.

I think that's part of the problem with film and television these days. It's not about taking risks and creating quality, it's about making money as safely as possible. It's not about art, it's about numbers. And there may be an art to numbers, but numbers should not control art.

Having said that, a lot of interesting art has been created using numbers. In which case I revise my hypothesis. Numbers can inform, but not control, art.

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Some of the projects I have tried to kick off are taking shape, but more is always good. Perhaps if you have a moment you might consider contributing to Link-O-Rama, The Mugshots Project, U-Review, Haiku Hedonism or Wise-O-Matic. They are nothing without your contributions.

oOo oOo oOo

Use the Link-O-Rama link of the week below to go to, type 'weapons of mass destruction' into the text box, and then click on the 'I'm Feeling Lucky' button, as opposed to the 'Search Now' button. It's good to know that there are people out there who still have a sense of humour.

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