stay hard, stay hungry
You're Making Me Angry
(29.07.2003 - 11:51 p.m.)

I just got back from seeing The Hulk, and I'm actually pleased that I spent the �5. Since I saw the first teaser trailer, I was ready to hate every frame of the film, but I was very pleasently surprised by it.

My major gripe before I saw the film was the poor design of the Hulk itself. I appreciate that there is no such thing as a twenty foot high green man in real life, but the design didn't look like it was making any kind of attempt to seem in any way plausible. I thought that it was going to ruin the film for me, but I was wrong. The story was strong enough to carry any lack of quality, but more than that, I came away feeling that the design was very deliberate; that there was a reason for it's every pore.

Also, as a study of masculine rage and an exploration of the relationship of fathers and their sons, it is more successful than many pretenders to the crown such as Fight Club. I should've had more faith in Ang Lee to produce a film of quality and substance. I am pleased that my preconceptions were pulled apart. This may just be the quality summer blockbuster that I have been waiting for this year.

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