stay hard, stay hungry
Speculation, Speculation, Speculation
(30.07.2003 - 6:10 p.m.)

What the hell is going on with the staff at British Airways? A representative of theirs has just been on BBC News speaking with regard to British Airways desire to introduce electronic clocking-on cards, and the staff's subsequent strike action. Said representative put forward the idea that BA want to introduce this new card to "deliberately make it more difficult to know when your next shift was."

Now, I'm no fan of huge corporations. I am sceptical of their motives and am generally in favour of smaller, more personal business dealings. But why would any business, large or small, deliberately want to make it more difficult for their staff to know when they were working? It simply makes no sense. If it is more difficult for staff to know when they should be at work, the chances are that they are going to have more days off as a consequence. The idea is preposterous.

I am all in favour of workers being able to air their grievances. I am all in favour of employers, particularly large corporations, listening to their employees and taking positive action. But I am not in favour of employees abusing that system and making ridiculous claims with regards to employment practice. It happened with the Fire and Rescue Service last year, and now British Airways staff are following suit. Eventually they will lose the sympathy of the public and no one will achieve anything; no one will benefit.

oOo oOo oOo

Tony Blair realises that he has to address the perception of a culture of spin that has built up around his government? Well, that's big of him. Perhaps if he had concentrated more on actually running the country, as opposed to concentrating on trying to make the population THINK that he was running the country, we might be in a better position than we are now.

And Dr. David Kelly may still be alive today. If that isn't a reason for ridding this country of it's Prime Minister, I don't know what is.

Well, apart from the fact that we engaged in an unjust and morally dubious act of war and that members of this country's government have suspicious business dealings with Saddam Hussein himself.

And yet still he says that his appetite for running the country is undiminished. I hope that the electorate bites him in the ass.

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