stay hard, stay hungry
Twinkies Must Be A Food Group
(18.12.2002 - 4:34 p.m.)


Name: Sophie
Diary: ChubbyChic
Sophie says: "I PROMISE I'll write tonight after I get home... and after I eat, and after I spend some quality time on the toilet reading magazines."
Regz says: I cannot thank the universe enough for bringing us Sophie, the fine purveyor of Twinkies. *Gets down on knees* We're not worthy! Tractor cranking anyone?

Another Mugshot! Yay! Would you care to see yours here? Then click here to read how.

* * * * *

I am currently listening to The Apples In Stereo's wonderful album, Velocity of Sound, with many thanks to Michelle. It's been one of those CD's that you put into the player, and then never take out. Well, at least for about a month afterward. I think it comes under the 'catchy as hell' column.

Would someone please tell me what I did to deserve such generous, wonderful friends? I'm serious. The obvious and palpable warmth that is generated at Diaryland must be enough to power a small town for a week.

* * * * *

And can someone please tell me what it is about grocery stores that cause people to loose any intelligence that they once had? I was at my local branch of Tesco's this afternoon, and I imagine that fighting my way through the abandoned trolleys, baskets and assorted idiots, was akin to battling my way across the beaches at Dunkirk.

Perhaps it's the alarms at the shop door that stop people from stealing things. They must iradiate everybody as they walk between the sensors, rendering them next to useless. Then, as they leave again, the effects of the radiation are reversed. It must be the way, else how do these people get home again without driving into each other?

Someone please save me from the great British shopping public. Do any of you out there in computer-land have a spare room in a foreign land?

* * * * *

Have just swapped The Apples In Stereo for, and am therefore currently spinning: "Mass Romantic", The New Pornographers.

Currently Spinning:
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