stay hard, stay hungry
Shit! Sheisse! Merde!
(27.09.2005 - 5:48 p.m.)

I don't know. I suppose life just feels so.... colourless at the moment. I feel like I'm trapped in the pages of a Harvey Pekar comic book. All I really want to do is feel three dimensional and alive, but somehow I feel so very two-dimensional, and as if I am rotting around the edges. Like life is passing me by in black and white, and all I can do is look on, read a few pages, and hope that I find a moment of grace every now and then.

oOo oOo oOo

And when did Bon Jovi become so damn meaningless? Or is it that they've always been meaningless, and I just couldn't see it through the teenage wonder? Don't get me started on the abomination that was This Left Feels Right, and new album Have A Nice Day might as well be a paint by numbers colouring book. Where did all the interesting tunes go, long time passing?

oOo oOo oOo

So very lonely. In the somehow appropriate words of Mr. Pekar himself, "Ordinary life is pretty complex."

Where is everyone?

Why should I bother trying?

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