stay hard, stay hungry
Where Is She?
(2002-02-24 - 11:29 a.m.)

I had a very powerful dream last night. I don't think that I've ever had one like it. It was so vivid and I can't get it out of my head. It went something like this...

I am standing by a thick, rectangular pillar in a large, open room. I am holding a glass in my hand. There are others here. A party? But I can�t make out their faces. As I look over towards two indistinct figures ahead of me, they part and a girl walks through the space. She leaves me breathless. Her flame red hair is pulled back from her face and fixed in place with a grip. She looks directly at me, her intense hazel eyes seeing me. Really seeing me. Her lips part in a smile, revealing two rows of squared, white teeth. And then she is gone, back into the faceless crowd. I am sure that is the last I will see of her.

A flash.

She is here, talking to me, with a drink in her hand. She asks me a strange question.

�Are you a Christian?� I am taken aback. I don�t know how to answer, and tell her so. I think about it for what seems like an age and decide to be perfectly honest.

�My parents attended church regularly, but I don�t and I am not a devout Christian.� I wait for her reaction. Did she ask because she is religious, or because she wanted to make sure that I wasn�t? Her lips part once again in that beguiling smile.

�I like your hair� she says and then reaches up and touches it. The back of her hand brushes my face. And then I am�

Awake. It is so hard to explain how I felt during the dream. It was as if I was absolutely calm. Nothing worried me and I had no care in the world. It was as if this girl was my guardian angel or something. I felt totally at peace in her presence. A peace that I haven't felt in a very long time...

Anybody have any ideas what this was all about? Because I sure don't...

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