stay hard, stay hungry
(29.11.2002 - 4:47 p.m.)

So there I was, standing minding my own business, when a small boy comes running toward me, legs pumping like pistons, face quizzical and full of wonder. Behind him trails a very thick piece of rope with two rings, one at either end. I think he is about four:

Kid:(looking up at me) Hello.
Me:(looking slightly bemused) Hello.
Kid: This is my rope.
Me: It's very nice. What are you doing with it?
Kid: I'm catching the bees.
Me: How do you do that?
Kid:(points at the rings at either end of the rope) I put them in there.
Me: Which bees are you catching?
Kid: Oh, there aren't any today. I know, because I can't hear them buzzing.
Me: Oh.
Kid: What's your name?
Me: Regz. What's yours?
Kid: Felix. I've got an Uncle Regz.
Me: Not me, though.
Felix: No, not you.
Me: Oh.
Felix: Will you hold my hand?
Me: Ummm, why?
Felix: Because I want you to.

Felix puts his tiny hand in mine, gripping fiercely onto the rope with the other.

Just then a woman comes rushing forward, looking tired out. She thanks me for looking after Felix, because she couldn't keep up with him in his search for the bees. She takes his hand, and they disappear into the crowd.

I think perhaps Felix is a genius.

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