stay hard, stay hungry
(09.01.2003 - 2:04 p.m.)

So this will be my 191st entry. That's a miniscule amount compared to some folks that I know. But hey, I'm pushing on to the big 200! That fills me with a certain pride, just incase you hadn't guessed.

* * * * *

It must be the time for colds. My IndigoAngel has one, and now, so do I. Although the two are totally unrelated. Operation: Blocked Nose came into full force during the course of the night, but I have my Lemsip to comfort me.

Voice No.1: Lemsip is our friend.
Voice No.2: But you don't have any friends.
Voice No.1: Lemsip looks after us now.
Voice No.2: What?
Voice No.1: Leave now and never come back!
Voice No.2: Excuse me?
Voice No.1: Leave now and never come back!

I think the combination of liquid, lemon flavoured paracetamol, mucus and headaches is starting to get to me.

* * * * *

The police have just discovered a flat in London, occupied by six Algerians, that had essentially been turned into a laboratory for creating Ricin, a poison that can kill a human being if just 1mg is ingested. Only minute traces of the poison were found, suggesting that quantities of it have been created and moved elsewhere, which is worrying to say the least.

When are we going to be able to decrease these tensions? Will we ever be able to? I can't believe how apathetic some people are towards an impending war, and how ill informed. There was a news programme here in the UK just a few days ago, in which they interviewed some children about the situation in Iraq. When one was asked why western governments wanted to see an end to Saddam Hussein's regime, he answered "Because he flew that plane into those towers."

One wonders if we haven't lost our focus somewhat.

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