stay hard, stay hungry
I Feel Like A Genuine Boffin
(25.03.2003 - 12:24 a.m.)

It took me from 10 o'clock this morning until well after five o'clock this evening, but I have managed to reinstall my entire system. This may be a walk in the park for some, but it was nothing short of heat-attack inducing for me. I know a little about computers, but not a whole heck of a lot. I'm just pleased that the damn thing is working smoothly and isn't clogged up with crud.

Anyhoot, just thought I'd let you know, because that is the main reason why I haven't been around much of late. If I owe you an e-mail, a couple of hours of chat, or anything else computer related, it should be coming your way sometime soon.

oOo oOo oOo

Also, for those that have been affected by the so called "jdbgmgr.exe" virus, please DO NOT delete the file thinking that it is infected. This so called warning is a hoax, designed to cause unecessary panic and alarm. Details of the hoax, the real nature of the file and what to do if you have already deleted it, can be found at the Symantec website.

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