stay hard, stay hungry
(18.06.2003 - 5:36 p.m.)

"Anhedonia n: the inability to experience pleasure."

I don't think that I am anhedonic. After all, I do still experience pleasure. But I'm sure that my ability to experience pleasure has been dramatically reduced over time.

Think of the number of things that used to bring you pleasure when you were younger. Now compare them to the things that bring you pleasure today. Are they similar? Are there less of them?

I'm just not sure that there is as much pleasure in my life as there used to be, and I don't like it. I suppose I should resolve to change that.

oOo oOo oOo

Dear Sam,

I'm not going to take you off my favourites list. This is because A) I still very much enjoy reading your writing, and B) You post the best links in the world ever.

So you're there to stay. Sorry.

Yours faithfully,


oOo oOo oOo

Does anyone else like Jackson Pollock's work? I don't really know the critical lingo that goes along with it, but I like looking at it. Do I 'appreciate' it? I haven't got a clue. But I do like it.

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