stay hard, stay hungry
Ivan Offalitch
(10.12.2002 - 4:34 p.m.)

I spent a large portion of the afternoon re-acquainting myself with my Nirvana albums, as I picked up "Bleach" on CD today for a meagre �4.99.

As I listened to "Nevermind", I found it hard to imagine how fresh it sounded on it's release. Everyone is so familiar with it now, and there have been so many bands that have drawn upon that sound. And can you believe that the album is 11 years old? It makes you feel old when an album has been hailed as a classic and been around for more than a decade, within your lifetime.

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I know how lame and teen-angst ridden it sounds, but someone asked me what I was going to do that was positive today, and the first thought that popped into my head was, "Stick a fork in my throat."

Do you ever get those moments where you really want to try something, just to see what would happen? I think it was kind of like that, in a slightly less happy way. Like when you're sitting in a library, and you have a sudden urge to stand up and scream "Shit-faced cock-masters!" at the top of your lungs, just because you can.

Or maybe that's just me.

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I have an itch, right in the middle of my head. I hate that. I mean, what the hell could be itching in the middle of my head? Has my brain come loose? Has that guy from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan put one of those squiggly, insanity-inducing bugs in my ear? Did I get some talc in there whilst I was in the bathroom this morning? ARGH!

I really need a flip-top head, right now. I know it's possible. I've seen it on the mortuary table. Unfortunately, and unsurprisingly, most people with flip-top heads aren't particularly alive, and I think that might be something of a drawback.

Although it sure would cure that itch.

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