stay hard, stay hungry
What's This? There's Colour Everywhere!
(12.12.2002 - 5:08 p.m.)


Name: Landa
Diary: Coyotesabre
Landa says: "Um... hi?"
Regz says: I've known Landa for a relatively short amount of time, but we share some musical tastes and she seems like a nifty gal. Here's to ya'.

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* * * * *

So there I was, blowing the dust off the decorations and putting up the Christmas tree (which incidentally, Mishie, is a Canadian Pine!), when I looked out of the window into the cold December day, and it had started to snow.

Now, I know snow can be a pain in the arse, but for someone who has felt a distinct lack of christmas in their lives over the past few years, it was heartening and wonderful. I was doing christmas-type things, and it was going all christmas on me outside.

*yelps with child-like excitement*

* * * * *

I'm sure that I had a billion things that I wanted to write down in here. Buggered if I can remember any of them now.

Ah well. Onto the next point of interest.

* * * * *

I remembered one thing that I wanted to say, although I guess it's not exactly groundbreaking, just something that I thought about.

My underappreciated band of the moment is Semisonic. Whilst people bought their "Feeling Strangely Fine" album in their millions, both it's predecessor, "The Great Divide", and it's successor, "All About Chemistry", are mightily fine musical works.

I think they've always been underappreciated here in Blighty, but they stand out from the current glut of uninspired nu-metal and Pop Idol-style flunkies by a mile. I'm not sure what the word is that I'm looking for to describe them, but I love 'em to bits.

So here's to ya', guys.

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